Friday, December 2, 2011

Board games galore!

I love it that the boy is older and mature enough to play board games! I also love that my mom is a hoarder! She kept ALL my board games till this very day! ANd boy do i have every board games on the shelf, MONOPOLY, MASTERMIND, CLUEDO, BOGGLE, SCRABBLE and more and more... It's great because my son gets to play with it! :))

Anyway, besides Snakes & ladders, the boy and his papa has been playing LUDO every night. The boy just loves to compete with his daddy!

The other game we recently introduced him is UNO. The boy is wild over this!

I love board games because

1) It is interactive (versus ipad/iphone)!

2) Sharpens strategic thinking skills. THough, at this age, he may not quite know how bUT, he knows to imitate his parents. So, he's very quick to pick up our strategies and work it on us & sometimes beating us at our very own game!

3) Learning to read and act on the instructions. We've also been playing another game called Police Alert (not a popular board game hence relatively unknown). In this game, he had to pick up cards, read & follow instructions.


  1. We love board games too! At the moment the kids are hooked on Candyland cos its simple enough that both Max and Ally can play

  2. Candy land! I just saw at the mall... Was wondering what it was (nver heard of it in my life!) and if it's worth the buy. Looks simple enough! Tempted to get one too!

  3. Hi, where can I get the board game Candyland in Singapore? I have been hunting them all over but to no avail and Amazon doesn't ship it here!

  4. Hi, I once saw the board game at a John little's fair during xmas. Oh I didn't know it was that hard to find! Have you tried toysrus?

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